A Respondent is someone designated to respond to a report submitted to the Title IX Office. Generally, the Respondent is someone alleged to be responsible for behavior that is in violation of the university's Sexual Harassment Policy, found here
If you have been accused of sex discrimination, sexual violence, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, or other gender-based harassment, the following information may be useful.
Wondering what a Title IX investigation looks like? Click here
Wondering what resources are available to you? Click here
Confidential Advisor to Respondents
BYU has designated a Confidential Advisor to Respondents. He is available to meet with students identified as respondents in a BYU Title IX investigation. The advisor is an impartial individual not otherwise involved in the investigation or disciplinary process. The advisor is able to provide respondents with a confidential setting in which to ask questions and obtain information about the Title IX investigation process and one’s rights regarding these so that respondents can make more informed decisions. The advisor is also available to help respondents access other resources that may be desired (e.g., academic support, counseling, etc.). The Confidential Advisor to Respondent’s services are free and confidential.

Scott Hosford, Ph.D.
Confidential Advisor to Respondents
2500 WSC
Provo, UT 84604
Respondent Rights
- To participate in a Title IX Investigation Process that is conducted in a prompt, fair, reliable, and equitable manner, consistent with university policies.
- To have the Investigation Process conducted by officials who do not have a conflict of interest or bias for or against the parties and who receive annual training on the issues of sexual misconduct.
- To be treated with respect by all BYU officials.
- To access the campus support resources, unless banned from campus or temporarily suspended pending the completion of the Investigation Process.
- To be informed of the availability of interim safety measures such as issuing a no-contact directive or changing academic, employment, or living situations to separate the parties involved.
- To have an advisor of their choice attend all related meetings throughout the Investigation Process in cases involving allegations of sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence or stalking.
- To receive timely notice of all related meetings to attend.
- To have made available, upon request, any information or evidence that will be used during any related meeting prior to attending that meeting.
- To receive periodic updates at reasonable intervals regarding the status of the Investigation and cause(s) for delay
- To have the Investigation Process resolved by a preponderance of the evidence standard (whether it is more likely than not that the University’s Sexual Harassment Policy was violated).
- To receive notice of the outcome of the Investigation in writing (including the rationale for the outcome).
- To receive notice of the discipline imposed by the outcome (including the rationale for any disciplinary sanction).
- To have the process and timeline for requesting an appeal of the outcome and/or disciplinary sanctions explained.
- To participate in an appeal of the Investigation's findings and/or of the discipline imposed.
- To have an appeal conducted in a manner consistent with the processes outlined in university’s policy.
- To be free from retaliation or intimidation for participating in the Investigation Process.