Title IX and Pregnancy Skip to main content

Title IX and Pregnancy

Title IX covers any gender-related issues, including pregnancy, birth, and postpartum needs, and the Title IX Office can help students understand what kind of supports are available to them.

Here are some examples of situations in which you might seek a Title IX adjustment for your pregnancy:

  • Pregnancy symptoms are interfering with your schoolwork (e.g. morning sickness, fatigue, hyperemesis gravidarum)
  • Planning your recovery from delivery (it is recommended you start the Title IX Support process in advance of your due date) or if you have a complicated delivery and need additional support
  • You are suffering from a postpartum mood disorder, such as postpartum depression, anxiety, or panic.

Click HERE for Frequently Asked Questions.

If you would like to discuss pregnancy related supportive measures, you may schedule an appointment with a Title IX Staff Member. Please reach out; we are here to help!