Brigham Young University is dedicated to providing an environment free from unlawful sex discrimination. Here are some of the resources provided by the university to assist students, faculty, staff and administrative employees, and others participating in BYU’s education programs and activities, as well as some off-campus resources and organizations that provide support and specialized services.
Campus Resources
Academic Support Office (801) 422-2723 | Provides support for students who are academically underperforming. Support is provided through sessions with a counselor, referrals for resources, or through the office’s Academic Improvement Plan program. |
BYU Comprehensive Clinic (801) 422-7759 | Offers counseling services and psychological assessments for individuals, couples, and families in the Utah County community. |
Counseling and Psychological Services (801) 422-3035, including after business hours | Provides confidential individual counseling, group therapy, marital/couples therapy, and assistance for students in crisis. |
Dean of Students (801) 422-2731 | Supports student development and addresses issues and needs in a supportive environment. |
Financial Aid and Scholarships (801) 422-4104 | Provides information concerning discontinuance or withdrawal from classes and the effects that such action may have on financial aid and scholarships. |
International Student Services (801) 422-2695 | Provides information regarding student visas and can direct individuals in need of additional assistance to resources that are able to help with other types of visas and immigration status issues. |
Student Health Center (801) 422-5156 | Provides comprehensive health care services EXCLUDING sexual assault examinations—which are available at any hospital emergency room. Student Health Center Services are available to students, their spouses, and their children. |
Sexual Assault Survivor Services (801) 422-9071 | Provides free and confidential advocacy services for BYU students including individual and group counseling. |
University Police Safe Walk Program (801) 422-2222 | Provides walking police escort services from one campus location to another for an added level of security and safety during the later hours of the evening and early morning. Find information about the virtual SafeWalk feature here |
Women’s Services and Resources (801) 422-4877 | Provides individual consultations, support groups, educational outreach, and referral services. |
Community Resources
The Refuge (801) 227-5038, or (801) 356-2511 (sexual assault hotline) or (801) 377-5500 (domestic violence hotline) | Provides 24-hour crisis intervention, sexual assault education groups, rape survivor therapy groups, individual therapy for rape victims, and a variety of services for sexual assault and domestic violence survivors. |
Child & Family Services (801) 538-4100 | Provides families with parent education, budgeting help, crisis intervention, sex abuse treatment, and mental health therapy. Reports of child abuse or neglect can be made by calling the Child Abuse Intake Hotline at 1-855- 323-3237. |
LDS Family Services Office (Provo) (385) 349-5001 | A resource to be used by Church leaders in their efforts to assist individuals, couples, and families in finding quality professional counseling services. Where available, LDS Family Services provides short-term counseling as well as consultation with a member’s bishop, when permitted. |
Provo Police Department Victim Advocate (801) 852-6375 | Provides crisis intervention, emotional support and critical service referral to aid victims and their children as well as to promote community awareness on victimization issues. |
RAINN (Rape Abuse & Incest National Network) 24-Hour Crisis Line: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673) | Provides extensive support to sexual assault victims. |
Rape Recovery Center 24-Hour Crisis Line: (801) 736-4356 | Provides 24-hour crisis intervention, advocacy, emotional support, and referrals in various languages. |
BYU Comprehensive Clinic (801) 422-7759 | Offers counseling services and psychological assessments for individuals, couples, and families in the Utah County community. |
The Merrill Gappmayer Family Medicine Center (801) 357-7930 | Performs sexual assault examinations when a patient is referred by police or a local emergency room. Examinations include assessments and documentation of injury, collection of evidence, and treatment to prevent sexually transmitted infections. |
The National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-7233 | Provides confidential individual support, crisis intervention, and information on ways to secure a victim’s immediate safety. |
The Timpanogos Legal Center (801) 649-8895 | Assists individuals who do not have the means to secure legal help. |
The Utah County Attorney's Office Victim/ Witness Coordinators (801) 851-8026 | Offers support to victims of violent and/or felony crimes during the criminal prosecution of the offender. Act as a liaison between the victim and the Deputy County Attorney handling the criminal case. |
The Utah Domestic Violence LINKLine 1-800-897-LINK (5465) | Provides individuals, who can call anonymously, with information on crisis intervention, safe shelters, community resources, legal assistance, victim advocates, and counseling agencies. |
The Utah State Bar (801) 531-9077 | Answers questions about how to contact attorneys who can provide you with legal advice and service. |